Before following any of the information here, do your own research and adjust to your own needs. As with everything, approach this advice with an open mind.


"...unto a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey."

Whether you care or not, diet is the all-important centre of life, determining how powerful you feel throughout it. It's you who decides how well you age, how strong you become, how many illnesses you accumulate. The world of today is more desperate for a dietary renaissance than any other point in time. Here are, in no particular order, some points and possibilities to consider. I am not a doctor, luckily for you, but consider researching these things yourself as well.

Though each of our bodies are different, more so when viewed by ethnic background, we aren't that far apart in terms of how we should eat. Yes, you'll find little differences like some whose ancestors were more attuned to carbohydrates. Or ancestors that ate raw game exclusively. Or ones who survived solely on creatures of the sea. There remains between all of these a common thread and it is to eat high quality animal foods, if nothing else at all.

You have to eat animal meat and fat every day. It is simple, it fuels you, and there's never been a single credible study against it. Why would there be? It's what we've always done. Never fall for the tricks of veganism, vegetarianism, or any of its other forms. Humans have the teeth and stomachs to devour then digest animals, and that's about it. We are not omnivores as we've been told for years, though we can find some benefit in a very few couple plant foods. One example is people who are able to digest cooked starches correctly and use them for energy or weight gain. Bird and rodent foods like seeds, nuts, and grains are completely useless to us they do not digest and we cannot absorb any of the nutrients inside of them. Leafy greens are especially dumb, and it's funny to think how often they've been sold to us as healthy. Your stomach is not like the four inside of a cow. It is not equipped with the correct enzymes to digest green plant life. You have one stomach and its enzymes can break down meat and fat. Vegans get sick and die in all cases where they aren't cheating with animal products like eggs, which for them, acts as a life- saving multivitamin. If you're unlucky enough to know one of these people, you've likely seen that they are irritable and ghost- like figures with bad gas.

Nobody dislikes all animal foods. Everyone enjoys steak, cheese, milk, lobster, oysters, and so on. Do not deny yourself of their help. Drink raw milk, eat raw dairy, and have beef meat, fat, and organs every day.


Though diet, sun, and hygiene certainly affect the skin's health, I have found a surprising amount of success in two extremely overlooked things: avoiding fluoride and being "unclean". But keep reading beyond this, because it's only one fragment of the larger picture. Even when I have taken diet to its peaks or bare minimums, like pure carnivore or raw primal, I still found my skin to be subpar. Yes, the skin could be detoxifying but I knew it was something beyond the various diets. What am I doing every day that could affect my skin? It came to me embarrassingly late but it clicked. I have been washing my face with the tap water. Water that is certainly brimming with fluoride and other chemicals. Not only that, but I was drinking water that likely contained it. In eliminating as many possible interactions with fluoride, I saw vast improvements in the health of my skin and my general being. I took this one step further by introducing iodine which I believe negates the chemical structure of fluoride. I have no true source for this other than scattered readings, though it confirms itself to me in one specific example. In all of the times I've lived on or near a beach, I've seen my skin problems vanish. More so when I'm in the ocean itself on a regular basis. The common answer to this is something like "the sea water is good for you". Yes, but why. The ocean has a fair amount of iodine. This means also that the air in places near the ocean, because it is mostly evaporated ocean water, will also contain iodine. Not as much as you would imagine, but still a lot. Time spent in places near the ocean means a constant stream of iodized ocean air in your pores and lungs a recipe I believe makes good skin. Look at surfers, or more broadly, anyone who has spent their lives on the coast. They all have beautiful, radiant skin. Hair too. Add to this the sun exposure that comes of a life on the coast and you have factors that require zero effort from you to see results. Living on the beach automates a skin care routine, leaving you free to think about more important things.

"The easiest way and most effective way to destroy a nation is the removal of iodine from the food supply." -Guy E. Abraham

The fluoride and iodine route led me to another discovery. In avoiding the tap water for my face and hair, I eventually had to find a way to wash without it. As much as I love showering in the rain or ocean, they aren't always options. I started with makeup removal wipes which I soon ditched because of the rampant chemicals in them. I gave up for a little and in this time realized another trick for clear skin was to not even wash it. That's correct. It's referred to by some as the caveman method but I simply see it as normal in the context of human history. If sweat truly caused acne, it would be far more prevalent in people. From the Spartans to the army of Napoleon, these men who were far too busy to shower daily or even weekly, shouldn't they have been covered in marks? But they weren't. Sweat is natural, it makes no sense that it would attack us in such a way. Furthermore, sweat, dirt, oil and sun are the best things for your skin. With this, I stopped washing my face entirely for days, then weeks. At my longest I went nearly a month. My skin was pristine, giving off this very natural colour and shine. Another theory confirmed. I compromised between total caveman and modern self- I'd leave my face alone for three to five days, and then wash it. But with what though? Why complicate it, I thought. Boil some clean water with salt, throw it in a bottle, and emulate a fresh ocean bath with something you can easily spray anywhere. Done. Occasionally, when feeling like doing a little more, I'd make a mask out of genuine mud and water and throw it on my face. Not required at all but worth testing. In being a disgusting jungle human I found the clearest skin I've ever had. Another example of nature being correct.

All that being said and done, you may still have with skin health. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, the late pioneer of the primal diet as we know it today, boldly claimed that acne was most often from eating cooked red and orange fruits or vegetables. How funny would it be if this truly was one of the root causes, something that most every westerner has in daily life. Ketchup, pasta sauces, pasteurized orange juices, all of these could be the aggressor of your skin problems. Aajonus suggests that eating raw red or orange fruits and vegetables can counteract the residues of the cooked ones, removing those toxins through the bowels rather than the face.

On the same note, there's a few more cures and solutions provided by him. He talks about how his mother fixed her teenage acne by washing her face with her urine daily. Other topical remedies include the classic clay and raw cider vinegar, clay and mineral water, and raw honey alone. I have personally done all of these and results.

In my experience, fluoride is the main culprit. Fluoride is then followed by the findings of Aajonus. Things like natural sugar, raw dairy, sunlight are not the culprits, as many "doctors" would suggest. Doctors, specifically dermatologists, are completely untrained to deal with skin conditions. Force your brain to view them as car salesmen for pills rather than holy angel saviours. They're waiting for you to stop talking so they can pitch you the new Chevy sport vehicle. All towns and cities have public water quality reports. If you aren't happy with the water you're paying for, tell someone or take more "unconventional" action against them. It is wise to pick where you will live based on its water quality, seeing as you and your family will use it tens of times a day. The quality of people also rises in areas without fluoridation. Most people consume their fluoride through drinking water, followed by food and showers. Distilled water is supposedly the most void of fluoride. Behind that you have reverse osmosis water and some other kinds. You can find more about that by searching for people who actively test the levels of certain waters. As for showers, take quicker ones or wait until it rains. If you are capable, rework your homes water entirely. Fixing your drinking water is priority. That will likely fix a majority of your issues.

All of the above is what the highly-respected medical world either fails to understand, or willfully disregards. In both cases, they are frauds. At best, knuckle-dragging losers playing dress-up. At worst, scum who push pills when they're aware of real cures. Fluoride is at the root of more than just skin problems. It causes innumerable health problems, perhaps some we wouldn't expect, all because it is sold as a miracle substance. Your tap water is not mouthwash. You should not be forced to take any medicine, especially it it's harmful. The world must put a knee on the neck of medical black magic.