(Originally taken from the writings of Mike Ma and archived on the Cyberborea website)


To many, I am sure it seems like I only attack the accepted narratives and beliefs in an effort to be “contrarian”. It isn’t true though. I attack obvious lies because they are obvious lies, and I don’t hold back just because they have been “studied” and “agreed upon” by institutions that ALWAYS have strange funding.

I do not reject the accepted narrative for attention, I reject it because I want the controllers to admit that they know very little about the world, its past, and the way it functions. I want them to admit, just as I have, that these “accepted realities” are not sufficiently explained and must be looked at again, from the ground up. It is not good enough that they reexamine things from their chosen starting point. It has to be done from scratch, with zero bias, and zero attachment to old lies.

I want them to admit they don’t understand the moon. But furthermore, I want them to admit that the reason they don’t understand it is because they haven’t been honest in their approach.

I want them to admit they don’t know what happened in the past. But furthermore, I want them to admit that the reason they don’t understand it is because they date things incorrectly, plaster over inconsistencies with lies, and publish for profit over truth.

I want everything down to the molecular level to be reinvestigated by human beings without ties to intelligence agencies, government money, or any of the major families.

Why does all of Greek and Roman history hinge on one or two books that were sold to royalty by a known forger? Why did the crew of Columbus report findings of flora and fauna that simply did not exist in those Americas? Why are the human giant bones that haven’t been destroyed by the Smithsonian always used to “reconstruct” dinosaurs? Why are the ancient texts that mention the same flood as the Bible revered by academia when the latter is not? Why are we expected to take pictures that NASA admits to be “3d renditions” as photographic proof of the galaxy? Why are we being told that the people of the past were savages when the evidence shows them to be inconceivably smart?


These are good questions, but to think this way is to sell yourself short. The implication of a new world timeline moves you closer to its fantastic events, not farther away. As we eliminate phantom time periods (gaps of “history” that don’t hold up), you become more and more important. The weight of the future, and the past, is placed on your shoulders.

Allow me to clarify, in plain terms: If most of history is wrong, and ninety-eight percent of people refuse to admit or approach that, then where does this leave you? The answer is: at the head of a ship headed into fresh, unexplored regions. Just as the man who created the first atmospheric motor rejected all of the science that told him it would be impossible, the man of today will reject all of accepted history to find what really happened in the past.

The history we are taught does not repeat on account of human nature, it repeats because academics have copy and pasted old stories into gaps they invented. Rather than admit they don’t understand something, they plug the hole with repackaged tales of old (or later) times. Historians and archeologists have drawn up an establishment-approved story full of plot holes, anachronism, and lies that even a child picks up on. This is how it has been, for a while now. The archeologist digs, the historian lies, and the controllers sell it to the world. When you reject this all, you become attached more than ever to the world. The ground below you holds answers the academics couldn’t be trusted with.

If everything is wrong, and most will not admit it, then you become the inheritor of the world. You are now the archaeologist, the historian, the scientist, the engineer, the one who tells the truth. When truth is hailed again, you will be the one who people thank. You were the one who rejected the most heavily of accepted narratives in favor of honesty, and reality.

Real history will remember the men who asked, and acted upon certain questions. Why are we sold electricity that Earth perpetually makes? Why are things that accepted math claims should be hidden behind curvature seen in full from bottom to top? Was there a Biblical cataclysm and when did it happen? Why can nobody replicate the architecture of this previous world? Is there land beyond ours that is unexplored? What is hidden in the ocean? And much more.

Things like the central bank, the powers that be, and their various tentacles — these can all be removed by truth, reality, and belief in God. Violence is second to each of these, and its what they prefer you use against them, because they can fight on that level. The war against them is spiritual. Use violence only in self defense. You decide what self defense is.


Just pointing out an odd coincidence using only accepted, narrative-safe sources.

From the official wikipedia page for the Manhattan Project “Little Boy”:

“After the war ended, it was not expected that the inefficient Little Boy design would ever again be
required, and many plans and diagrams were destroyed.”

From the official wikipedia page for the Apollo 11 tapes:

“The Apollo 11 missing tapes were those that were recorded from Apollo 11’s slow-scan television (SSTV) telecast in its raw format on telemetry data tape at the time of the first Moon landing in 1969 and subsequently lost.”

Interesting, but probably just a coincidence. What does NASA astronaut Don Pettit have to say about it, on camera?

“I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology and it’s a painful process to build it back again.” – Don Pettit, NASA

Again, we are just repeating things the establishment itself has said. No wacky conspiracy pages, no theories.